Top 25 Halloween Outdoor Movies

The results are in from the Top 25 Halloween Outdoor Movies list! We asked outdoor movie enthusiasts from around the world to send in their five favorite spooky flicks, for a chance to win an Open Air Cinema 9' Home Screen. We randomly selected Josh Dukes as the lucky winner of the screen, but we've taken all of your suggestions into account, and have assembled the final list.

Some of these films are definitely scary, and watching them outdoors in the woods with your inflatable movie screen will surely heighten the spook factor! Imagine watching Blair Witch Project in the Autumn woods, or Session 9 near an old abandoned building! So check back to the blog frequently to see our reviews of the Top 25 Halloween Outdoor Movies. We'll have some great suggestions of special activities you could do with each film. And if you are able to screen a film on the list for your Halloween event, post your story to the comments section of the particular movie! We'd love to see how your event went! And if there is a movie that you think was overlooked, and that has to be on the list, feel free to email us your suggestions. Happy haunting, here's the list!

1. Beetlejuice
2. Casper
3. Corpse Bride
4. Edward Scissorhands
5. GhostBusters
6. Harry Potter
7. Hocus Pocus
8. The Nightmare Before Christmas
9. Signs 10. To Kill a Mockingbird
11. Twilight Series
12. Young Frankenstein
SCARY HALLOWEEN MOVIES (Not for small children)

13. Amityville Horror
14. Arachnophobia
15. Blair Witch Project
16. The Exorcist
17. Halloween Series
18. Jaws
19. Paranormal Activity
20. Rosemary's Baby
21. Scream
22. Shaun of The Dead
23. Session 9
24. The Shining
25. Shutter Island