Halloween Outdoor Movie Grand Prize Winner: Josh Dukes

We received hundreds of entries from around the world, and we'll soon be compiling our list of Top 25 Halloween Outdoor Movies from all of the suggestions we received. As we noted in our Open Air Community Newsletter, we'll be blogging about a different Halloween Movie every day for the month of October.
So if you want some ideas for your outdoor movie screening that you'll be having at your Halloween party, stop by soon and check out our Top 25 Halloween picks.
We asked Josh how he'd be using his new OAC 9' Home Screen, and he sent us the following reply: This is totally great !!!! I cannot believe I won !!!
Mostly my family and I will use it to watch backyard movies and sporting events with friends and neighbors. Possibly the occasional gaming party... I wonder what World of Warcraft will look like ... life size :)
I have seen several movies at open air cinema events and they look great! I cannot wait to set it up and watch it from across the yard!!!!
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We're excited for Josh and his family, and that they'll soon be enjoying outdoor movies, sporting events, and World of Warcraft under the stars! Again, congratulations Josh!