Vote for Two Open Air Cinema Entries on!

Two Open Air Cinema systems are in the running for the best Football Home Theater Contest on! The six contestants are vying for one of two Cisco Flip Ultra HD Camcorders, and whoever has the most votes will walk home with the prizes. We're proud to see two Open Air Cinema Systems in the contest, and we're asking the readers of the blog to vote for the Open Air Cinema systems! Here are the links to the two entries: outdoor movies One contestant has entered a photo of anВ OAC Home 16' System, and it sure looks great! Vote for this Backyard Theater! Another contestant submitted a photo of anВ OAC Pro 16' System. This particular system was donated by Google to the Kenya Field of Dreams project and was used by an organization called Moving the Goalposts to screen the FIFA World Cup this summer to the villagers that otherwise would have not been able to view the World Cup! The system remains in Kenya for use by the local organizations. Vote for this Backyard Theater!

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