Victoria, Australia: Cool Down With Dive-In Outdoor Movies in Victoria, Australia

Earlier this year, Australia experienced their hottest summer for 8 years. While the Northern Hemisphere was bundling up in scarves and sweaters, Australia closed schools and sent workers home early to escape the heat.
That's why Whittlesea Swim Centre featured a Dive-In outdoor movie night at the pool. It was a perfect opportunity to cool off and watch a great movie under the stars. Friends and families piled around the pool to watch "Hancock," while kids and adults alike floated in the pool.
More than 300 people attended the outdoor cinema screenings, a record attendance compared with previous years of movie nights, evidence of the extreme heat. The film was shown on a giant inflatable screen set up at one end of the pool.
Movie-goers expressed their gratitude for the outdoor movie event, and said they would like more screenings in the future, regardless of the record temperatures. Now that it is winter in the lower hemisphere you may not see many open air cinema screenings (except perhaps at some more permanent locations, like Deckchair Cinema or St. George Open Air Cinema), but next summer expect plenty of movies under the stars, no matter how hot it is.