Tucson, Arizona: A Movie Under the Stars with Edgar Cayce
Tucsonans have lost the DeAnza Drive-in, but Southern Arizonans still have alternatives available that will allow us to watch films under the stars. We can watch outdoor movies May through October, downtown at La Placita. Sometimes, though, we will have to travel a little for that opportunity to watch a movie, outside, in a group setting. This Friday, down in Tubac, one of these special opportunities will present itself in the form of a documentary about The Sleeping Prophet , titled: Edgar Cayce: The Beautiful Dreamer.
This 2004 documentary about Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) isn't the newest film release, but it has proven to be popular among some Arizonans. Screenings for this film sold out more than a dozen times in Sedona. A sold out August screening in Tubac is the reason for this second showing on Friday. Directed by Darrah Meeley, the film earned rave reviews from Oscar winning directors Robert Wise (The Sound of Music) and Arthur Hiller (Love Story). The film won the Most Thought Provoking Award at the 2005 Sedona Film Festival. The film also won praise from Edgar Cayce's son, Edgar Evans Cayce, who stated: It is the best film ever made on my father.
If you don't know who Edgar Cayce was, he was an American clairvoyant and psychic. Dubbed The Sleeping Prophet , Cayce would lie down and enter into a sleep, or trance state to provide readings. The subjects for his readings were usually not present. Cayce generally provided readings in response to written requests. Most letters he received initially asked for health advice. However, readings soon evolved into advice about many things, including past lives, dream interpretation, and business advice. He also expanded into giving dietary advice. Among Cayce's dietary recommendations: avoidance of red meat, no alcohol except for red wine, and two or three almonds a day to keep cancer away. This description of Cayce only touches the surface of who he was. He was the most documented psychic of the 20th century.
Cayce's predictions weren't always right. In fact, he stated that his advice should be tested, rather than accepted as faith.В With thousands of predictions made by Cayce some made well into our future we have yet to see if some will come true. Whether or not you believe in psychic phenomena, this documentary presents the life of a very interesting man whose life still fascinates many people today. The film begins at 7:30 pm at Tubac's Cinema Under The Stars, on Friday. The cost is $5, with proceeds benefiting teen and young adult rehabilition programs.
Tubac's weather forecast is clear for Friday evening, but weather predictions aren't always right, are they? Still we will accept the forecast on faith. The folks at Tubac's Cinema Under The Stars have secured an alternate location, indoors,В just in case.
Cherlyn Gardner Strong