Top 25 Outdoor Movies of All Time: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is the next movie on our list of the Top 25 Outdoor Movies of All Time. The film is an action packed adventure that will definitely bring out a big crowd in just about any community. But before we tell you why, here's the theatrical release trailer:
The film is the third stop in the Indiana Jones saga, and begins with the young Indiana getting into a scuffle on a scout trip in Utah with some grave robbers after he steals a jeweled cross out from under them. He eventually gives it back, but the leader of the robbers gives Indiana his hat, something that Indiana will keep as his trademark (along with his whip). Then, we fast forward to the adult Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford), who is told his father Henry (Sean Connery) mysteriously disappeared when doing research for the holy grail. Of course, Indiana begins to search for his father, and is led through a series of clues that takes him on a nonstop ride of classic Indiana Jones adventure as he encounters ancient relics, Nazi enemies, and enemies that are right under his nose.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a classic film that is entertaining in ways that contemporary adventure films can't compete with. The film doesn't rely too heavily on CGI graphics or massive explosions or violence, but rather on quick paced mystery and adventure that makes Indiana Jones unique. The film was a difficult one to make and included filming locations in Spain, Italy, England, and Jordan. The movie is PG-13, and we wouldn't recommend it for small children, but would be great for teenagers and young adults, or for a date-night outdoor cinema event! It is also a great selection for school groups and colleges, and will bring out plenty of people. This is a great pick because many will not have seen the film for some time, and will come watch it under the stars for nostalgia's sake!
As with many of the films on our Top 25 list, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a great selection in part for the possibilities it brings for pre-movie activities. You could have a look-alike Indiana Jones contest, with audience members voting on the best dressed and best posed contestant! You could even have a "holy grail", or other faux-treasure for the winner, along with sponsored prized from your nearby local businesses. In fact, getting sponsors for your events is a great way to pay for movie licensing, equipment upgrade, and for staff support! It is a way for local businesses to show that they care about their community, and there is no better opportunity to get in front of thousands of their potential customers.
As usual, if anyone at all has shown this film as an outdoor movie, we'd love to see your images and hear your story! Send us a note at, and we'll share your story with the global outdoor cinema community!
The film is the third stop in the Indiana Jones saga, and begins with the young Indiana getting into a scuffle on a scout trip in Utah with some grave robbers after he steals a jeweled cross out from under them. He eventually gives it back, but the leader of the robbers gives Indiana his hat, something that Indiana will keep as his trademark (along with his whip). Then, we fast forward to the adult Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford), who is told his father Henry (Sean Connery) mysteriously disappeared when doing research for the holy grail. Of course, Indiana begins to search for his father, and is led through a series of clues that takes him on a nonstop ride of classic Indiana Jones adventure as he encounters ancient relics, Nazi enemies, and enemies that are right under his nose.