Top 25 Outdoor Movie: Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Our next movie on our Top 25 Outdoor Movies of All Time is Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a classic film that mixes animated and live characters in a way that was groundbreaking at the time, and still unusual today. Here is the theatrical release trailer:
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a murder mystery set in 1947, and follows a group of cartoon characters called "Toons" who act out cartoons (similar to how humans act out live scenarios).
The Toons interact with humans, and live in Toontown, which is near Hollwood, California (the place that Toontown in Disneyland is based off). Roger Rabbit is the main star of the show, and is married to the gorgeous cartoon woman Jessica. Roger is framed for the murder of Marvin Acme, after he runs away when finding out his wife has cheated on him.
The rest of the film will keep your audience on the edges of their seats as the action and drama escalate as Roger tries to solve the mystery of who killed Mr. Acme. And for some Who Framed Roger Rabbit trivia: the film features the only cinema footage where Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse appear together on screen! This film has a PG rating, and so is not for small children, both for its mild suggestive content and violence.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit would make a great outdoor movie or backyard cinema event for school and college crowds, and would be a really good pick for your next date night outdoor cinema! As we've noted many times before, animations do very well as outdoor movies, as their colors are crisp and bright, and the high contrast makes a stunning overall image.
With Who Framed Roger Rabbit, you've got the bonus features of an animation, with the teenage and up content that normally comes with non-animations. The film will bring out large crowds, as it is a movie that people don't watch as often as other movies. Nostalgia will always draw a crowd!

If you have screened Who Framed Roger Rabbit as an outdoor movie, we'd love to see images from the event, and would also be thrilled to hear your story. Please email us at, and we'll share your story (even if it does not have to do with Roger Rabbit!) with the rest of the open air community.