Seacoast, Maine: Guerilla Drive-in Movie Theater

Guerrilla Drive-in Movie Theater

Outdoor Movies in Seacoast, MaineAs soon as all the components come together there will be some fun stuff afoot on the Seacoast for cult movie lovers. Bryan White, editor of Cinema Suicide, along with Larry Clow, plan on launching a nomadic, guerrilla drive-in theater by mid June. White says he and Clow separately spotted an article on Boing Boing ( about a similar project in Pennsylvania. "We thought it was about the coolest thing we'd ever heard of," says White. The two began plotting immediately. The way it works: film is projected on a surface that is suitable as a movie screen and faces a parking lot "big enough for a bunch of cars." The accompanying audio is low power FM transmitted, for pick up on a car radio; "Just like going to the drive-in." Trying to make this work was a no-brainer for White who had attempted to interest a number of small theaters in a second-run, camp film series, with movies like "Pump Up The Volume," and "Heathers." "Owners would say, 'why would people come to movie theaters if they can get it on DVD?' But it's not about watching the movie. Yes you could do it at home. But you can't meet new people there. It's a communal experience," says White. "We're not anticipating a mob of people...; just those that come together around this idea, which is bigger than the sum of its parts." The gear is ready and the partners are looking for locations. Soon they'll conduct a few test runs. The final where, when and whats will be posted on the project's Web site,, (still in the making), a day or two pre screening. "It's going to be totally fun, I know there's an audience for this. I know people will come." By JeannГ© McCartin Source:

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