Sacramento, California: Outdoor Movies at Sacramento Outdoor Film Festival

Sacramento's first Outdoor Film Festival opened on August 8th, showing "Rebal without a Cause", starring James Dean. According to Robert Hayes, president of Creative Projection Services, " The SOFF (Sacramento Outdoor Film Festival( will feature state-of-the-art projection and sound to create the most mind-blowing outdoor cinema experience you have ever experienced. This will include an outdoor 5.1 surround sound system for our last screening August 29th. As far as we know this will be a Sacramento first." This will be a great experience, and one that is rarely had in outdoor movies.В  So far, the festival has been a really great success, and tomorrowВ  night's last screening will be an unfortunate end to an enjoyable month of cinema under the stars!В  So if you are in the Sacramento area, make sure to come out for this last event! Every night, Chavez Park opens at 5pm. Hoppy Brewing Co. supplies all the beer, wine, soft drinks, hotdogs and popcorn that you can stuff in your mouth.

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