Randall Fox Brings Outdoor Movies to Atlanta, Georgia

Is there anything about Breakfast at Tiffany's that doesn't inspire nostalgia for the Golden Age of Hollywood? Audrey Hepburn crooning Moon River, fashion, and two drifters off to see the world, are all aspects of the film that capture the hearts of audiences during a 24-week-long movies under the stars festival in Atlanta.

When given a chance to dance with friends to the theme song of the movie, some avid outdoor movie watchers leaped to attention. People kept requesting Moon River over and over again, dancing after the movie ended, reported Randall Fox, the man behind the outdoor movie event.

Fox's first experience with a screen on the green was in DC. What he saw, beyond the movie being displayed and the young people drinking beer, was a possibility for something more. As the co-founder of the Atlantic Foundation for Public Space, Fox is no stranger to outdoor events.

But the motivation behind the free outdoor film festival was a little different. I know it sounds corny, Fox admits, but I really wanted to give back to the community. The movie nights not only provide a venue for a community night once a week, it also boosts businesses around the the park where they take place.

The outdoor movie nights will often connect to the local movie theater, when Harry Potter came out, Fox did a Harry Potter week showing all of the other Harry Potter movies in succession. One of the local restaurants had the busiest night in five years the night AFFPS ran Transformers.

Even with all the success of the event, the outdoor movie event organizers still see the possibility for more. When you see all the people gathered together enjoying a movie outside, you just want to see more. I want the Guinesss World Record, most people watching a screen at once, the longest running summer outdoor movie festival, why not?

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