Buy a screen kit or a complete CineBox™ A/V System with speakers, projectors, stands, and everything you need to start producing outdoor cinema events anywhere from your own back yard to massive venues.
Where to Place a Projector for Your Outdoor Theater Screening
by Caleb Mitchell
Setting up a projector for a outdoor theater isn't always the most intuitive experience for most people. Many of us rarely come across a situation where we'll have to handle a projector in our day to day lives. At Open Air Cinema, we want to provide you with all the tools necessary to create the outdoor theater screening of a life time, whether your planning on a small screening in the backyard, or to an audience of thousands.
В Outdoor Theater Rule of Thumb 3:2
The general rule for measuring the distance in which you'll want to place you projector from the outdoor theater screen is 1.5 of the width of the screen. If you're using a smaller-scale home system that's 20 feet wide, you'll want to set up the projector about 30 feet away. If you're using our full-size Elite system which is 40 feet wide, you'll want to clear a path about 60 feet away.
We are the Outdoor Theater Experts
You'll be able to play around and find the perfect positioning with your our outdoor theater, but this general rule will give you a great place to start. Let us know if you have any further questions about positioning your projector, or if there's anything else that we can do for you, we're happy to help.
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