Buy a screen kit or a complete CineBox™ A/V System with speakers, projectors, stands, and everything you need to start producing outdoor cinema events anywhere from your own back yard to massive venues.
This may sound a bit ridiculous we admit, but outdoor movies are a great way to fight crime in your local community. In this blog post, we'll detail some reasons why this is the case. An Open Air Cinema outdoor movie system comes with everything you need to start your own outdoor theater: a giant inflatable movie screen, a super bright video projector, a powerful outdoor speaker system, and everything else you need. Contact us today at 866-802-8202 to order your outdoor movie system. You can also contact us by filling out our online contact form by clicking here. Or if you prefer, shop online by going to the OAC online store where you'll find everything you need to start your own outdoor cinema.
Outdoor Movies are a Worthwhile Activity
One way that outdoor movies fights crime is that a movie in the park event provides an uplifting and positive experience for members of your community. Instead of trying to find something else to do (like getting into trouble), many members of your community will find your free outdoor screening to be a fun and enjoyable way to spend their evening. Especially if В you have a history of crime in your area, you can use your outdoor movie festival as a way to bring together members of your community in a positive way. Outdoor movie events are easy to police and maintain, and so you'll be guaranteed that everyone will have a safe and enjoyable evening.
Outdoor Movies are a Positive Force
At one particular community in California where Open Air Cinema has held regular screenings, a police officer specifically mentioned that the outdoor movies events were a direct reason for teen crime going down in the area. The screenings were in fact directed towards teen audiences, and so they provided a way to bring together all the teens under one roof, so to speak. In this way, outdoor movies became a positive force for good in the community, and was a significant reason why crime rates dropped in the area.
Contact us today at 866-802-8202 to order your Open Air Cinema outdoor movie system.
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