Open Air Cinema's OAC True HD
This past summer, Open Air Cinema unveiled OAC True HD, the first lineup of full HD outdoor movie systems.В Every line is now available with an HD upgrade, from the Cinebox Home systems, to the Pro and Elite.В We wanted to take the opportunity to explain a few of the benefits to upgrading to a HD system.
Upgrading your Cinebox System to OAC True HD will give you the crisp clean look of high definition.В Outdoor Cinema will truly never be the same again.В Open Air Cinema offers two options for most systems: 720p and a 1080p.В Standard definition outdoor projectors most often feature 480 x 720 resolution, and until very recently, this was the most affordable option for consumer projectors. But as the advance in technology drives the prices of parts down, High Definition outdoor projectors have become very affordable.В Now, for under $1,000, you can have high definition projection with your outdoor movie system.В 720p is not nearly as high resolution as 1080p, but you'll see a huge difference between 720 and standard definition.
720p projectors have a definition of 720 x 1280, whereas a 1080p projector has a definition of 1080 x 1920.В Either option will give you a huge upgrade in image quality from your standard definition projector.В However, 1080p holds a significant advantage (besides the huge increase in image quality) - you'll be able to use all of your blu-ray disks as a part of your outdoor movie system! You can even stream HD video through services such as netflix or blockbuster.В We often stream videos over netflix, and with a fast enough Internet connection, you can project blu-ray quality images!
At Open Air Cinema, we are excited about the HD revolution that is occurring in the outdoor movie industry.В If you have any questions about upgrading your outdoor cinema system to OAC True HD, please contact us today! We'll be in touch with you soon.