Buy a screen kit or a complete CineBox™ A/V System with speakers, projectors, stands, and everything you need to start producing outdoor cinema events anywhere from your own back yard to massive venues.
Inflatable screens prove to be the best solution for outdoor film festival screenings
Open Air Cinema was pleased to produce the outdoor screenings at the LA Film Festival. Audiences packed the open air venues to enjoy the screening of "The Filth and the Fury" a documentary about The Sex Pistols, "West Side Story," and "The Incredibles." More info below about the festival:
An interesting fact about the setup at one of the venues: a different outdoor screen was used the night before one of Open Air Cinema's productions. It took 6 of their staff members 2.5 hours to install a 30ft. wide screen. The next night we got involved and it took 2 staff members less than 30 minutes to fully setup and secure a 40ft. wide screen! In terms of screens, they're not looking back! Inflatable screens really are the best solution!
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