Mallorca, Spain: Indie Films Shown at Open Air Cinema in Palma

Open Air Cinema at Mallorca, SpainThe open air cinema festival at Palma is running throughout the summer in the city. The outdoor movie showings, at the Casal Solleric, which are organised by the local council, started on July 5th, and continue until September 6th. Still going strong after a decade, the festival always shows an eclectic and varied selection of films, specifically chosen for not having been picked up by the big Spanish cinema chains. They are all in their original language, an unusual move in a country where most foreign films are dubbed. Australian comedy Looking for Alibrandi kicked off the festival, with the Dogme-style Danish film Brode, the Uruguayan adventure La Perrera (The Dog Pound) and American indie Brick are all to come. The tender French family drama Holy Lola will close the festival in September. All films will be shown on Thursday at 10pm. The Casal Solleric, a stunning baroque palace built in the 18th century, also provides a great backdrop for film-goers at the open air cinema.

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