Kukra Hill, Nicaragua: Outdoor Movies Used for Evangelism in Nicaragua

Outdoor Movies as Evangelism in Kukra Hill, NicaraguaThe following is an excerpt from "Making Disciples" by Jim Zosch. Read the full article at: http://www.internationalministries.org/read/1832 While all of this work to fix up the new Bethel Baptist Church of Kukra Hill was going on, the group was also busy going from house to house evangelizing in the afternoons and holding outreach activities each night. Starting the second evening, the Bluefield missionaries showed outdoor movies each night in the yard of the new Bethel Baptist Church of Kukra Hill. The movies were projected onto a large screen on the side of the church building and attracted quite a crowd. Each night the movies were initiated with children's activities and puppet shows. This gave the missionaries from Bethel Baptist Church of Bluefields an opportunity to speak with those in attendance, sharing the gospel and developing relationships. A break was held during the movies each night for members of the group to tell their testimony about how God has worked in their lives. The movies also provided the community of Kukra Hill an opportunity to become acquainted with the new Bethel Baptist Church of Kukra Hill. The average attendance at these movies was over 100 people. On the fifth night the movie was held in Kukra Hill's municipal park located in the center of town. About 200 people attended that night's movie. The following night, the final night of the first group's week stay in Kukra Hill was Wednesday, January 24. On this night Bethel Baptist Church of Kukra Hill held its first church service. God's presence filled what at one time had been the old movie theater, as those in attendance worshiped and praised the Lord...

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