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For Frankfort residents looking for a relaxing summer night locale, look straight to the heart of Frankfort.
The downtown patch of Breidert Green serves as a venue for Frankfort's Concerts and Movies on the Green, scheduled throughout the summer.
The Concerts on the Green series kicked off June 21 and is set to follow up each Sunday through August 30 from 6:30-8 p.m., with varied musical groups.
The Frankfort Chamber of Commerce and chamber members sponsor the concert series. Admission is free and residents are encouraged to bring a blanket or lawn chairs. The concerts are relocated to the Founders Center, 140 Oak St., in case of inclement weather.
The July 5 show starts off at 5 p.m., with the Frankfort Brass Band taking the stage before the Joliet American Legion Band (a marching band).
If Sunday nights are booked, the Green hosts Movies on the Green one Wednesday night per month,
with the next showing scheduled for July 8, with the classic musical, "Footloose," starring Kevin Bacon.
The Aug. 5 showing will feature vacation favorite, "RV," starring Robin Williams. Admission is free for all movies and the event is sponsored by the chamber of commerce.
"This is the sixth season of 'Movies on the Green" and it continues to be a great family event," said Frankfort Mayor Jim Holland. "Have dinner at one of our great downtown Frankfort restaurants, do a little shopping and then relax and enjoy a free movie on Breidert Green."
The outdoor movies are projected on a 12-by-16-foot screen at the Green. Movies begin at dusk (or around 8:30 p.m.), but will be preceded with previews at 7:45 p.m. and cartoons at 8 p.m.
Free popcorn will be available at all movies, with help from the Frankfort Youth Commission.
In case of inclement weather, the rain date is one week from the original movie date.
Movies on the GreenJuly 8 FootlooseAug. 5 RVConcerts on the GreenJuly 5 5-6 p.m. Frankfort Brass BandJoliet American Legion Band (Marching Band)July 12 Final Say (Mirror of Maggie Speaks)July 19 ABBA Salute (ABBA Tribute)July 26 56 p.m. Dave "Elvis" ThomasRoute 66 (Rock & Roll Legends Revival)Aug. 2 Phenix (Traditional German Band)Aug. 9 Yard Fulla Cars (Modern Country with a Rock Edge)Aug. 16 Tropipop (Steel Drum Band)Aug. 23 Lynne Jordan & The Shivers (Blues)Aug. 30 The Outcast Jazz Band (Big Band}
by Lauren Traut
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