Dunkirk, New York: Outdoor Movies on an Inflatable Screen Join the Lineup of Summer Events in Dunkirk, New York
The city of Dunkirk is pleased to announce the addition of a summer outdoor movie series to this year's festival and events lineup. The Movies in the Park series will feature free outdoor film showings displayed at locations throughout the city. The movies will be featured on an outdoor 16'-by-9' inflatable screen with a professional sound system.
The kickoff for this new outdoor cinema event will take place May 23 at a location to be announced.
A web poll has been created at www.cityofdunkirk.com to determine the first movie shown. The web poll choices are Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa; Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull; The Tale of Despereaux; Iron Man, and The Express. The movie receiving the most votes will be shown May 23.
"This announcement is the first of several exciting improvements we are planning for this year's festivals and events; I am truly excited to attend the first event," Mayor Richard Frey said. "I would like to thank the committee for their hard work, and thank our corporate partners: NRG, Cliffstar and WDOE 1410/96.5 KIX for their generous support this year."
In addition, the city is announcing a promotional giveaway. Individuals who sign up for the city of Dunkirk's online newsletter, "Dunkirk Today" available at www.cityofdunkirk.com, will be entered in a random drawing for a $25 Boardwalk Market Gift Certificate, courtesy of Boardwalk Market merchants.
The drawing will be held June 15 and the winner will be notified via e-mail and recognized in the newsletter.
Source: The Observer. Read full article at: http://www.observertoday.com/page/content.detail/id/522792.html?nav=5007.