DeLorean Club Shows up at Outdoor Screening of Back to the Future

Marty McFly: Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me that you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?

Dr. Emmett Brown: The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?

Likewise, if you're going to an outdoor movie viewing of Back to the Future, why not do with a bit of style? At least that's how the Pacific North West DeLorean Club felt when they drove their valuable collector's cars to Auburn's special Summer Sounds & Comcast Cinema event.

There were around 300 people that came out on a rainy night to enjoy a blast from the past on the outdoor movie screen. But the attendees that got the most attention where the ones stepping out of their iconic gull-wing doors. Some of the DeLorean Club even were sporting poodle skirts for the occasion. When rain threatened the evening the devout movie goers simply covered their collector's items with canopies.

Not one person got up and left, reports Special Events Coordinator Kristy Pachciarz. I was really surprised. Pachciarz spends a lot of time planning out the three week outdoor movie festival, specifically on how to make interactive activities or themes to go along with the movies shown.

When we showed Bee Movie it was a lot of fun, there were children running around with bee face paint on. In addition to bee face paint the events also included making bee mobiles, bee hives and having inflatable rides and a live band.

The film festivals usually take place in a local park that overlooks Mt. Rainier. It's a fairly unique event, not in the sense that we're the only city that is doing it, but in the sense that we're in a smaller community. It's a chance for people in the community to go to a local park, have a picnic, and let their kids run around.

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