Davidson, North Carolina: Die-Hard Outdoor Movie Fans are Undeterred by Chilly Weather in Davidson, North Carolina

Outdoor Movies in Davidson, North CarolinaWho else but super community-minded Karen Toney of Davidson, North Carolina would plan one of her wonderful outdoor movies ( Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ) on the Summit Big Screen and have temperatures drop into the 20s? It must have been a hex from Severus Snape trying her patience as well as that of Barbara Freund of Main Street Books and the six shivering die hard fans huddled in the parking lot. Undeterred, Karen has simply switched gears and will have Rock Band Wednesdays (albeit inside) instead of outdoor movies at Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Shoppe on Main Street from 5-9 p.m. for the rest of fall. Instruction is available. Call 704-892-0604 for more details.

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